Protecting Your Home from Wildfires: Fire-Resilient Architecture

Fire-Resilient & Sustainable Design

Destructive wildfires are an increasing reality as development extends into wildlands and climate change intensifies fire risks. California’s dry climate, dense vegetation, and strong seasonal winds can produce ideal conditions for fast-moving and intense wildfires. Designing homes with fire resilience in these areas is essential for both safety and long-term sustainability. At HUUM Architects, we integrate Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) code, building regulations, and best practices to create homes and buildings that mitigate fire risks that also retain architectural integrity. Our approach balances safety, functionality, and environmental responsibility that create unique buildings of a variety of visual form and expression as well as contribute to safe sustainable community.


Building’s impact on the environment


The environment’s impact on a project, occupants, or community.


There are 5 primary Fire-Resilient Strategies huum employs when designing in fire prone areas.

• Perimeter Defense – Active and passive fire protection measures

• Structural Geometry – Reducing exposure to embers and radiant heat

• Envelope Defense – Fire-resistant materials and assemblies

• Roof Defense – Durable, ignition-resistant construction

• Fire Protection Systems – Smart technology and emergency access planning


(Re)building in a fire-prone area presents an opportunity to rethink the relationship between architecture and the natural environment. 

Beyond fire resilience, we emphasize energy efficiency and sustainability to reduce environmental impact that can produce thoroughly holistic outcomes.

With over 25 years working with Los Angeles regulatory agencies, we navigate the complexities of permitting and compliance, ensuring a streamlined process from design to construction. Considering rebuilding or first time designing a fire-resilient home, our experience and expertise provide a foundation for thoughtful, durable, and efficient design solutions.

Please download our extended guide to resilience here to learn more in depth steps to create a fire resilient structure: